After a holiday we all tend to reflect on things with a fresh pair of eyesand to me this means that I have to make some decisions about my future, my projects and my aspirations. Since all the other things in my life I feel I want to change are a bit out of my control I've decided to focus on what I can effectively change and this blog is one of those things. Since I started the blog I had no prospects for it, I've never wanted to become a "blogger", that was never the dream, Stay Gold by JV is a purely self- indulgent blog.
I believed it would be the best way to share my thoughts about fashion, style and everything in between. I never felt I had to justify anything because this is my space, my home, my territory. I can write in english just to practice it, I can post things when I want and if I want to and I don't have to worry about how many people saw the post, even if it makes feel really happy when someone shares a it.
Now I feel something has to change, I don't know if I should start taking the blog more seriously, if I should be more disciplined in the subjects and frequency of the post or if I should make it even more personal (that's what people like to read and see). I'm still trying to figure out what will be my next step but I'm sure that something will change in the near future.
For example, I'm thinking about Tumblr, any fans out there?
To be continued...
Olá miúda! Como sempre acompanho o teu blog, normalmente de uma forma silenciosa, mais ainda assim atenta. Acho que fazes muito bem em pensar no blog de uma forma mais séria, porque acho que tens muito por onde andar e evoluir e com algum afinco acredito que vais conseguir levar isto mais longe, tens olho, bom gosto e és assertiva nos post que fazes. :)
ResponderEliminarVim comentar este em especial, não só para dar força mas porque falaste no Tumblr. Tenho Tumblr já faz mais de 5 anos, uso muito é bom para limpar a cabeça e ver coisas giras, novas e interessantes. Acho que para ti pode ser bom porque podes tirar umas ideias para novos trabalhos, no entanto como plataforma complementar ao blog, não sei se será muito vantajoso pois a evolução parece-me díficil. No entanto aconselho-te a fazer um (senão tiveres já!:P) nem que seja só para experimentar e ver o que achas! :)
Um beijinho e continuação de um óptimo trabalho*